Garden of Weedin' - Ain't it the truth! I've spent the last 24 years planting, weeding, hauling mulch, digging and all other garden chores in our yard. Somehow, the passion has left me. I can remember when I would be out working in the yard before first light, and then in the evening have to turn on the outside lights to finish up the last little bit in the area I was working in. Perhaps I'm no longer enthusiastic about gardening because I've become so engrossed in quilting. Of course, years of drought and an onslaught of voles destroying collections of hostas probably has a great deal to do with it.
Still, I couldn't just let it all go, so outside I went yesterday and today. I was not loving the labor. It also seems to take a lot longer to get the garden chores done than it did years ago. Later today, after my shower and much needed ibuprofen, I took a stroll outside. Now I remember where that passion came from. The dogwoods have such a presence this time of year. Look at the Japanese Honeysuckle - what a joy!
The ajuuga, condytuft and creeping flox always help to brighten my spring garden. And the pansys will be giving off their splendid colors for several more weeks. And, of course, the whole area is alive with azaleas.
I felt the joy creep back in. Once again I was overwhelmed with the might of creation.
I'll definitely be out there working away again in the days to come. I'll pull weeds, fuss at the insects and be tickled when a new plant emerges or blooms begin to form. I won't work as quickly as I once did, and I won't get as much accomplished, but you can be sure that I'll be taking Ibuprofen aplenty!!